When To Do Acupuncture For IUI

Intrauterine insemination, or IUI, is the fertility treatment of choice for many couples. IUI is less invasive than IVF treatments because there are fewer hormones if any involved. It is less expensive, which adds to its appeal. If you and your partner are contemplating IUI treatments, or if you already have your IUI procedure scheduled, you’re probably eager to do everything you can to enhance your chances of getting pregnant. Acupuncture can help, but how can you know when to do acupuncture for IUI to maximize your chances of success?

Ideally, you should begin acupuncture 1 to 3 months before IUI. An acupuncture session 24 to 36 hours prior to and after your IUI transfer can also boost your chances of getting pregnant. 

Why use acupuncture during IUI?

Acupuncture has been used for centuries to help women regulate their menstrual cycles, begin ovulating, and improve their fertility naturally. If you’ve tried getting pregnant on your own without success, and are now considering IUI treatments, acupuncture can be of great assistance for you as you embark on your journey to pregnancy.

Research shows acupuncture can help prepare the body for IUI. Acupuncture increases blood flow to the uterus, toning it and reducing uterine contractions, which can prevent a successful procedure. The enhanced circulation to the uterus results in a thicker and more receptive endometrium, which is also essential for a successful IUI procedure.

Hormonal balance is equally important, whether you’re trying to get pregnant naturally or with the help of IUI. Healthy hormone levels are critical for sustaining a pregnancy. Studies show acupuncture exerts an effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, regulating stress levels. If you’re trying to conceive, you know how stressful it can be. Keeping stress levels in check is of the utmost importance to optimize sex hormone production.

Overall, acupuncture works on multiple levels to prepare the body for pregnancy. IUI treatments are a worthy investment, and acupuncture can act as a safeguard, improving your chances of getting pregnant. Acupuncture is also safe enough to be used during pregnancy.

Acupuncture promotes IUI success

During IVF treatments, an embryo is created outside of the woman’s body and then transferred into the uterus. The IUI process is different because everything happens inside the woman's body. During IUI, semen is guided inside the uterus during the fertility window, and it’s up to the woman’s body to produce the embryo. IUI is sometimes called a “natural IUI” because it uses the rhythm and timing of the menstrual cycle.

IUI has the potential to be incredibly successful because it places the sperm right where it needs to be at the right time to maximize a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. But because IUI leaves conception up to the woman’s body, that means making sure the body is ready for pregnancy is crucial. This is where acupuncture supports this process.

Studies show acupuncture supports healthy ovulation, improving blood flow to the ovaries, and even increasing ovarian reserve. Furthermore, acupuncture has been shown to improve the quality of a woman’s eggs, and all of these things together can dramatically improve your chances of getting pregnant after IUI.

Regular ovulatory cycles are a good sign that your body is producing sex hormones in the right amounts. Acupuncture supports the body’s ability to produce estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). Keeping this “orchestra” of hormones in harmony will set your body up for successful implantation after your IUI procedure.

Start your treatments several months in advance

Acupuncture is safe and gentle, yet incredibly effective, and that’s thanks in large part to its adaptogenic nature. Unlike certain fertility medications, which intrude and override bodily systems to respond a certain way, acupuncture works with your body, supporting your body’s ability to improve your fertility on its own. But, because acupuncture is so gentle and works with your timing, it works best over time not as a “quick” fix. One treatment is great, but regular treatments over a period of time will provide you with longer-lasting benefits.

We recommend our IUI patients begin acupuncture sessions at least 1 to 3 months in advance of their IUI transfer.

It can never be too early to start receiving acupuncture for your health and fertily, but there can be too little that is done. Beginning acupuncture sessions up to a year before IUI to get your body ready for the treatments is an ideal opportunity to address health issues that you may not have been aware of. If you have underlying hormonal imbalances or are dealing with a condition like PCOS, these need to be addressed at least a year before in order to support your fertility.

If you already receive regular acupuncture treatments and are now considering IUI, be sure to discuss this with your acupuncturist so they can adjust your treatment plan accordingly. And, if you’re currently in the middle of your IUI treatments, that’s okay! It’s never too late to start reaping the benefits of acupuncture. Routine sessions will help you throughout the IUI process by keeping you relaxed and preparing your body for conception. 

Schedule sessions before and after your procedure

Regular acupuncture sessions are ideal for preparing the body for pregnancy. Part of receiving acupuncture for supporting IUI is a well-timed appointment before and after your IUI procedure. This can boost the odds of pregnancy by helping to relieve stress and supporting blood flow to minimize cramping. It’s important to work closely with your acupuncturist during this time to schedule your sessions around your IUI date.

Women undergoing IUI should schedule an acupuncture appointment 24 to 36 hours before their IUI. Another appointment 24 to 36 hours after the procedure is also recommended along with follow-up sessions for several weeks to support implantation.

Why timing is important; a session before and after your IUI procedure redirects blood to the uterus. This nourishes the endometrium and supports conception. If and when conception does take place, acupuncture also supports implantation and sets you up for a successful and healthy pregnancy.

Acupuncture can even help you during your pregnancy by easing the symptoms associated with pregnancy. Many women choose to continue acupuncture treatments throughout pregnancy to ensure their babies stay in the proper position and to help them prepare for labor. 

Contact us today to learn more

When it comes to supporting your fertility in the months leading to your IUI, we like to take a big-picture approach. At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ll sit down with you to discuss your fertility goals and come up with a protocol that meets your body’s needs.

In addition to acupuncture, we may recommend other treatments, like massage therapy or herbal medicine, to help you achieve total body balance. 

Contact our office today to find out how acupuncture can help you as you begin your IUI treatments. We’ll help you book your first appointment so you can get started!

Using Acupuncture For Irregular Periods

Acupuncture can be used to treat many conditions, from joint pain to digestive ailments to seasonal allergies. Acupuncture is becoming increasingly popular for addressing hormonal issues. Many women experience irregular periods and find it difficult to get things back on track, no matter what they do. If you want to focus on your fertility and support hormonal health, using acupuncture for irregular periods can help you do just that. But what makes acupuncture so effective? Here’s how it works.

Acupuncture helps women with irregular cycles restore balance by regulating estrogen and progesterone levels. Keeping stress under control is also important; regular acupuncture sessions have a calming effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which further supports healthy cycles. 

How can you tell if you have irregular periods?

Many women believe that “irregular periods” are simply periods that are either too long or too short, and that it’s normal for periods to be painful, or even debilitating. Unfortunately, some medical professionals reinforce this incorrect notion and dismiss abnormal menstrual symptoms.

Healthy menstrual cycles 1.) are anywhere between 28 and 35 days in length, 2.) ovulatory, and 3.) do not cause significant pain or other menstrual-related symptoms at any point throughout the cycle, beyond those that could reasonably be expected based on normal hormonal fluctuations.

So, when we say “irregular periods”, we’re referring to any menstrual abnormality that is not observed in healthy menstrual cycles.

Irregular periods are periods that are less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart. Periods that are very light or very heavy are also considered irregular. If you miss a period for three months in a row, this is called amenorrhea and falls under the “irregular period” category. Periods that last for more than a week, or that cause severe and debilitating symptoms, like extreme pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, or fainting, are also classified as irregular. 

How does acupuncture support hormonal balance?

When it comes to periods, estrogen and progesterone are the two key players

At the start of menstruation (the follicular phase), estrogen and progesterone are at their lowest, and they remain relatively low for about a week. During the second week of menstruation, estrogen and progesterone levels begin to rise, peaking just before ovulation halfway through the cycle, dipping briefly, only to begin rising once more. The second half of the menstrual cycle (the luteal phase), lasts, ideally, 14 days, after which point estrogen and progesterone fall again, and this triggers the lining of the uterus to shed.

For a woman to experience healthy menstrual cycles, her estrogen and progesterone levels must be kept in balance, and they must follow this pattern. Chronically low or elevated levels of estrogen and/or progesterone can result in irregular periods. Having too much or too little estrogen or progesterone at the wrong point in your cycle can also create problems.

Signs that you may be experiencing estrogen/progesterone imbalance include:

  • Periods that are less too long or too short

  • Periods that are too heavy or too light

  • Painful periods

  • Blood clots

  • Swollen breasts

  • Breast pain

  • Mood swings

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Bloating

  • Cramping

  • Weight gain, especially during the last week of your cycle

  • Luteal phase defect

  • Anovulation

Whatever your hormonal imbalance issues, acupuncture can help you normalize your cycles. Studies show that acupuncture regulates estrogen and progesterone, encouraging higher levels of these hormones during the follicular phase, and lower levels in the luteal phase. This mimics the body’s natural hormone pattern, which means acupuncture can be used to help restore hormonal balance.

Research also shows that acupuncture is powerful enough to help women with chronic hormonal conditions, like PCOS, regulate their cycles. Acupuncture’s adaptogenic nature makes this centuries-old treatment suitable for women of all ages, regardless of the underlying cause of their irregular cycles.

Can acupuncture promote ovulation?

With your sex hormones optimized, the trickle-down issues of hormonal imbalance soon begin to resolve. By supporting healthy estrogen and progesterone levels, this naturally enhances ovarian function and, ultimately, induces ovulation.

Some women believe that ovulation is only important if you’re trying to get pregnant. But ovulation is a sign of good reproductive health. So if you have anovulatory cycles, it’s worth digging deeper to find out why and using holistic therapies, like acupuncture, to support your fertility.

Research shows acupuncture influences the HPA axis. This biofeedback loop is responsible for controlling the body’s response to stress. It also plays a role in determining how much follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) to make. These two hormones stimulate the ovaries, so they release follicles and those follicles mature properly.

Research shows acupuncture normalizes FSH and LH levels to help restore ovulation. Furthermore, acupuncture increases blood flow to the ovaries, nourishing them, and increasing your ovarian reserve — three welcome benefits for any woman undergoing IVF stimulation.

Acupuncture reduces stress and helps restore healthy menstrual cycles

How stress affects the menstrual cycle is different from one woman to the next. For some women, stress stops menstruation. For others, it leads to shorter cycles or heavy bleeding and cramping. Either way, chronic stress has a detrimental effect on the menstrual cycle.

Stress hormones and sex hormones are inextricably linked. Fortunately, acupuncture is highly effective at normalizing both. At the same time acupuncture is working to optimize your sex hormones, it’s bringing stress hormones back into balance, too.

Acupuncture gently stimulates the nervous system, soothing an overreactive HPA axis and promoting normal stress hormone levels. Once the body begins to realize that stress levels have gone down, it inevitably begins focusing on fertility.

We often recommend acupuncture to women undergoing IVF treatments, as this can be a stressful process. Using acupuncture in combination with your IVF can significantly improve your chances of a successful embryo transfer

Get in touch with us today

If you’re experiencing irregular periods, don’t ignore them. Restore hormonal balance and eliminate your menstrual-related symptoms with the healing powers of acupuncture. 

Contact our office today to book an appointment, and to learn more about the many holistic therapies and wellness programs we have to offer. 

From your very first visit with Integrative Healing Arts, we’ll help you pinpoint the underlying cause of your symptoms, and come up with a holistic treatment plan that restores regular menstrual cycles.

Why You Should Consider Acupuncture For Ovulation Induction

Are you and your partner thinking of expanding your family soon? Whether you’re trying to get pregnant on your own or with the help of IVF treatments, acupuncture can be used to enhance your fertility naturally. Acupuncture is particularly helpful when it comes to supporting ovulation. Even in women who have underlying hormonal conditions, like PCOS, acupuncture has been found to be helpful for supporting healthy menstrual cycles and restoring ovulation. If you’re looking for ways to enhance your sexual health, here are some very good reasons why you should consider acupuncture for ovulation induction.

Acupuncture increases circulation to the ovaries, which supports ovulation and increases ovarian reserve. Additionally, acupuncture can balance hormones to support regular menstrual cycles and your fertility overall. 

Acupuncture balances hormones

Healthy menstrual cycles start with healthy hormone levels. One of the biggest reasons women fail to ovulate is because their hormones are out of balance. Acupuncture has been used for decades to restore hormones and boost fertility.

We all experience stress, and some degree of stress is actually healthy. But when stress becomes overwhelming, this has a negative effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Chronic stress puts you in a perpetual state of fight-or-flight mode, but acupuncture can help restore balance.

Acupuncture gently stimulates the nervous system to regulate stress hormones like cortisol and DHEA. If you’ve ever had acupuncture, you know how relaxing it can be. Regular acupuncture sessions signal the HPA axis to “gear down”, so to speak, to help you feel calmer and more relaxed.

Meanwhile, acupuncture also promotes sex hormone production. Acupuncture has been shown to raise estrogen and progesterone during the follicular stage of the menstrual cycle, which supports ovulation. Acupuncture also regulates follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels, the former of which is responsible for telling the ovaries to release a follicle, and the latter of which enables that follicle to mature properly. 

Acupuncture increases circulation to the ovaries

Have you ever sat in one position for too long and had your foot go to sleep? When you stand up again, you may have a difficult time walking or wiggling your toes for a few minutes because the lack of circulation prevents you from using your foot the way you normally would. Good blood flow is critical for any part of the body to function correctly, and it’s no different for the reproductive system. One area of the body that is often overlooked in ovulation is pelvic floor health and blood flow to the uterus and ovaries.

One of the reasons why women may not ovulate is simply because their ovaries aren’t getting the blood they need to do so. With acupuncture, we can enhance blood flow to the ovaries, which is a major step in supporting ovulation.

Adequate circulation ensures your ovaries have ready access to the blood and oxygen they need to stay healthy. It also delivers hormones to the ovaries, which are essential for follicular development and egg maturation.

And the ovaries aren’t the only ones to benefit from better circulation. Good blood flow also supports uterine health, increasing the thickness of the endometrium, and making the uterus more receptive to implantation. With benefits like this, it’s no wonder more and more women are utilizing acupuncture for their IVF embryo transfers.

Acupuncture can increase ovarian reserve

Although the subject is still up for debate, it’s currently believed that women are born with a finite number of eggs. So acupuncture may or may not be able to induce your ovaries to produce more of them. However, what research indicates acupuncture can do is increase ovarian reserve quality by supporting egg quality, ensuring egg follicles mature properly, resulting in more viable oocytes.

Acupuncture has been shown to increase ovarian reserve by helping women produce more mature eggs. This is one of the reasons acupuncture is a wonderful complementary therapy for women scheduled to undergo egg retrieval for IVF. The more viable eggs your fertility specialist has, the better their chances of producing good embryos. This can improve your IVF success rate later on.

It’s also worth noting that acupuncture is safe to use in tandem with medications used to induce ovulation. Acupuncture is adaptogenic, and a non-drug that can be used to support more conventional treatment methods. Many of our clients have used acupuncture alongside hormone injections designed to induce ovulation with great success. 

Other therapies can be used to support ovulation, too!

There are so many reasons to use acupuncture if you’re having anovulatory cycles(periods with no ovulation) But when it comes to enhancing your fertility naturally, other therapies can be used to great effect as well. At Integrative Healing Arts, we may utilize a variety of holistic treatments to help our clients boost their fertility.

In addition to acupuncture, certain herbs can be used to support ovulation. Some herbs work by improving circulation to the reproductive organs, while others influence the HPA axis and promote hormonal health. At Integrative Healing Arts, we can help you determine which Traditional Chinese Herbs will help you the most (Note: Do not use herbs without the guidance of a professional herbalist).

Because stress levels can be so damaging to fertility, it’s worth making stress management a priority. Understanding what is contributing to your stress levels, and taking steps to keep these stressors in check, can further support your fertility and encourage ovulation.

If you’re not sure which of these therapies your body needs, that’s okay, just leave it to us. We’ve created countless customized treatment protocols to help our clients support ovarian health and achieve ovulation. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you, too. 

Get in touch with us today

If you know you aren’t ovulating, or if you’ve been trying to get pregnant for a while with no success and you need some help figuring out why, contact us today to learn more. Our friendly staff will help you schedule an appointment as you take the first steps toward achieving better fertility.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we understand that fertility is a multifaceted issue. We also understand that every woman is an individual and should be treated as such. With 21+ years of experience, we can help you get to the root of your ovulation issues so you can finally overcome them and fulfill your health and wellness goals.

Achieving PCOS Acupuncture Success

For women who are diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), addressing the many symptoms this condition causes can be a real challenge. The irregular periods, anovulation (no ovulation), and weight gain associated with polycystic ovaries as well as bouts of depression can be overwhelming. However, these symptoms associated with PCOS are treatable. You just have to find what works for you. Experts believe that many factors can contribute to PCOS. Genetics, dietary and lifestyle choices, stress, and underlying endocrine issues, like pituitary or adrenal tumors, have all been linked to the symptoms of PCOS. Regardless of what might be causing your PCOS, acupuncture can help. But how can you achieve PCOS acupuncture success?

Acupuncture regulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which balances stress hormones and sex hormones. Regular acupuncture sessions normalize menstrual cycles, support ovulation, and improve insulin sensitivity making it easier to lose weight. 

How does acupuncture help women with PCOS balance hormones?

PCOS can cause and be caused by hormonal imbalances, which are also metabolic and lead to a variety of fertility issues.

Women with PCOS often deal with high levels of androgens. This group of hormones includes testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and is associated with male characteristics. It’s worth noting, though, that some women with PCOS have normal androgen levels, but relatively high or low levels of estrogen or progesterone.

The conditions that may contribute to PCOS are many, and, frankly, not fully understood yet. Some women are given a diagnosis of PCOS because they experience metabolic symptoms and hormonal swings that look similar. What we do know, though, is that acupuncture can help women with PCOS achieve hormonal balance, regardless of what might be the primary cause of their condition.

Acupuncture’s primary benefit is that it regulates the HPA axis, which is the biofeedback loop responsible for controlling stress levels. In this fast-paced world, most of us have an overactive fight-or-flight response. Acupuncture gently stimulates the nervous system, exerting a calming effect on the HPA axis, and reducing stress hormone levels, which includes DHEA.

At the same time, acupuncture also regulates sex hormones, bringing elevated levels of testosterone down. This is something all women with PCOS should aim for, whether they’re trying to get pregnant or not. By bringing testosterone levels back into range, acupuncture can help with the symptoms associated with high androgen levels, like acne, irritability, and hair loss.

Furthermore, research shows that acupuncture raises estrogen and progesterone during the follicular stage of the menstrual cycle, and regulates follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). This encourages healthy menstrual cycles that are between 28 and 35 days. It also increases ovarian function and induces ovulation.   

Can acupuncture make it easier for women with PCOS to lose weight?

Another symptom commonly seen in women with PCOS is insulin resistance. Chronically elevated blood sugar is associated with high levels of androgens and stress hormones, both of which may lead to weight gain — and particularly the development of visceral fat. So it’s not uncommon for women with PCOS to struggle with weight loss.

Because acupuncture regulates sex and stress hormone levels, this alone can drastically improve the way your body uses food for energy. But acupuncture can help your weight loss efforts in another way, and that’s by promoting insulin sensitivity.

Acupuncture has long been used to treat hyperglycemia and other metabolic conditions. It does so by altering nervous system activity, making insulin receptors more sensitive, and encouraging the body to use fat for fuel, rather than storing it.

Aside from improving insulin sensitivity, acupuncture also supports liver function. Hormonal imbalances can alter liver function, leading to weight gain. So scheduling regular acupuncture sessions is a great way to boost your metabolism and make it easier to lose weight.

How often should you get acupuncture for PCOS?

How often you’ll need acupuncture to successfully manage your PCOS symptoms depends on the severity of your underlying hormonal/metabolic issues, as well as the intensity of your symptoms.

For some women, the symptoms of PCOS are constant. For others, their PCOS symptoms may be mild most of the time, but “flare up” occasionally, getting worse during periods of stress, for example. This is something we need to consider when creating a customized acupuncture protocol for you.

That said, we generally recommend twice-weekly sessions for 2 to 4 months. Getting acupuncture for PCOS over the course of several menstrual cycles gives your hormones a chance to balance out. It also supports ovulation.

Every woman is different, and every case of PCOS is different. So how your body responds to acupuncture, and what, if any, underlying issues surface during your treatments is difficult to predict. Some women see an improvement in their symptoms very quickly. For others, it takes a bit longer. In some instances, we may rely on additional therapies to restore your mental, physical, and spiritual alignment.

What other therapies can benefit PCOS patients?

During your first appointment at Integrative Healing Arts, we’ll ask about your health history, and take the time to understand which factors may be contributing to your symptoms. This way, we can approach your condition appropriately.

With its powerful sexual health-supporting properties, acupuncture will make up the backbone of your treatment plan. However, there are several therapies we can utilize in addition to acupuncture.

Herbal medicine is an excellent adjunct therapy for many women dealing with hormonal imbalances. Traditional Chinese herbs like Bai Shao and Sheng Ma are often used to treat PCOS thanks to their ability to support hormonal balance. (Note: Herbs can be powerful! Herbal medicine should never be taken without the skilled guidance of a professional herbalist).

Stress management is also critical when it comes to restoring healthy hormone levels. We’ll help you figure out what might be stressing your body, and help you come up with ways you can mitigate those stressors, like journaling or meditating. A good massage never hurts, either!

Book your first appointment today

Don’t let the symptoms of PCOS stand in your way. Look to acupuncture to balance your hormones and overcome your symptoms, so you can achieve all of your wellness goals.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we have more than 20 years of experience in holistic medicine. We’re dedicated to helping each of our patients achieve total mind, body, and spiritual wellness.

If you’re ready to find out firsthand how acupuncture can help you, contact our office today to book an appointment. We look forward to seeing you soon!

Why You Should Use Acupuncture After IVF Transfer

For our clients scheduled to begin IVF treatments, we advise them to start acupuncture sessions a minimum of 2 to 3 months ahead of time. This is a great way to manage stress levels and help the body “focus”, so to speak, on fertility. Acupuncture is incredibly helpful for improving fertility, so it’s a popular complementary therapy for women undergoing IVF. But acupuncture can also play a critical role post IVF, by boosting the odds of a successful implantation. If you’re still not sure if acupuncture is right for you, here are a few good reasons why you should consider using acupuncture after IVF transfer.

Getting acupuncture after embryo transfer increases circulation to the uterus, which encourages implantation and alleviates pain and cramping. Additionally, acupuncture can help reduce stress and support hormonal health after your IVF treatment.

Acupuncture after embryo transfer increases circulation to the uterus

Good circulation to the reproductive system is critical after embryo transfer. Adequate blood flow provides the uterus with oxygen and red blood cells, which it needs to function optimally. Improving circulation with the help of acupuncture tones the uterus, and makes it more receptive to embryo transfer.

Because acupuncture directs blood flow to the reproductive tract, it can also enhance ovarian function. Acupuncture can be used during the stimulation phase of IVF treatments to support ovulation. Studies show acupuncture can increase ovarian reserve, even in women who have hormonal issues that may contribute to diminished ovarian reserve, like PCOS.

It’s also worth noting that acupuncture has a calming effect on the nervous system. If you’ve ever had acupuncture before, you know just how relaxing it can be! Getting acupuncture shortly after your procedure reduces stress levels, which are often high in IVF patients. This helps prevent uterine contractions that could prevent a successful transfer.

For best results, we recommend getting acupuncture within 24 hours of your embryo transfer, with a follow-up session a few days later. This will help support good circulation to the uterus during this critical period, and boost your chances of a successful IVF transfer

Acupuncture nourishes the embryo

Just as better blood flow nourishes the uterus and ovaries, it also nourishes the newly transferred embryo, further increasing your chances of success with IVF. Because acupuncture boosts circulation to the uterus, it can help thicken the endometrium.

A healthy endometrium supports your growing baby. It also protects them from microbial invasion during your pregnancy, ensuring you carry your baby to term and minimizing the risk of complications. Although the endometrium isn’t talked about as much as it should be when it comes to fertility, especially compared to other factors like ovulation and hormonal balance, its importance cannot be overstated.

The endometrium supplies the embryo with oxygen and nutrients, both of which are essential for your baby’s development. If you’ve struggled to conceive due to a thin endometrium, acupuncture can help thicken the lining of the uterus to make it a more suitable environment for the embryo after transfer.

If you’re on your second, third, or fourth round of IVF treatments, or if you have suffered miscarriages in the past, getting acupuncture after your embryo transfer can provide your body with additional support so you can finally find success with IVF.

Acupuncture reduces pain associated with embryo transfer

Egg retrieval is probably the most painful and intense part of IVF treatments. This procedure involves using a needle to puncture the wall of the vagina and enter the ovaries to harvest eggs. Although patients are usually sedated, egg retrieval can cause significant discomfort afterward.

By contrast, embryo transfer is typically the least physically painful part of IVF, and many women don’t even require sedation. But even though the procedure itself is relatively pain-free, IVF embryo transfer can cause some side effects later on, including abdominal cramping and spotting. While physically the process is relatively tolerable; emotionally the stakes are higher than ever as the next few weeks are a waiting game.

It’s worth noting that it’s not unusual to experience these symptoms after an embryo transfer. They’re normal. However, they can also be uncomfortable. Fortunately, we can use acupuncture to our advantage. A well-timed acupuncture session shortly after your embryo transfer can soothe your pain and help you relax, easing any symptoms you may have.

Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, powerful neurotransmitters that intercept the pain signals nerves send to your brain and raise your pain threshold naturally. Acupuncture also supports healthy muscle function, again, reducing uterine contractions to ease cramps caused by IVF. 

Acupuncture After IVF promotes hormone health

We talked about stress briefly earlier. Let’s circle back to it now. Stressors are everywhere. Between work, school (if you’re a student), and other responsibilities, we all deal with stress. But pile fertility struggles and expensive fertility treatments on top of your pre-existing stressors, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. Stress management is of utmost importance during IVF to boost your chances of success.

It’s not at all unusual for women undergoing IVF treatments to feel overwhelmed. But, unfortunately, this tells the body to produce more stress hormones and fewer sex hormones. Chronic stress can block conception by exerting a negative effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. On the plus side, acupuncture can be used to mitigate the stress response and restore healthy sex hormone levels.

Acupuncture regulates the HPA axis, calming the nervous system, and effectively telling your body that everything is fine, and there’s no need to panic. Acupuncture’s soothing effect encourages the body to “switch gears” and go from fight or flight mode to optimizing fertility.

Acupuncture has been shown to regulate the production of estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH). All of these hormones play an important role in conception, and in sustaining a pregnancy. Acupuncture’s ability to regulate sex hormones also makes it a helpful therapy for addressing many of the symptoms women struggle with postpartum, including weight gain and pelvic floor dysfunction.

Contact Integrative Healing Arts today

No matter what stage of IVF treatments you find yourself in, acupuncture can be utilized as an adjunct therapy to support you as you seek to enhance your fertility and expand your family.

If you’re ready to learn more about how acupuncture can make your IVF treatments more successful, and schedule an appointment for after your embryo transfer, contact our office.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve helped countless women address their unique fertility issues and finally welcome the baby of their dreams. Get in touch today to get started.