Cupping: How it Works and Its Health Benefits

Cupping is one of the oldest healing methods used in traditional Chinese medicine. Records show cupping used in China and Egypt as early as 1,500 BC. Cupping is also considered part of folk medicine in many cultures used to treat simple illnesses. By tracing the trade routes along the “Silk road” where the exchange of silk, teas, spices and medicines were part of the expanded shared knowledge into the West.


Fascination of Eastern Asian healing arts like Gua Sha, Cupping, Martial arts, foods and meditation are culturally appropriated by Tik Tok influencers to gain a following. The unfortunate consequence is the public is exposed to misinformation because the majority of Tik Tokers have no training in Chinese Medicine.


Cupping is part of Traditional Chinese medicine and is a therapy used along with acupuncture and moxibustion and bodywork treatments.   It can be used as a standalone treatment. 

This healing method uses glass cups to create suction on the skin surface, to “pull illness out” and is referred to as báguàn or “pulling up jars”. Similar to another healing method called “gua sha” literally means to “scrape away disease”.  Glass or Bamboo cups are also used for this method with fire to remove the air from inside the cup and is referred to as “dry cupping

Cupping promotes the movement of Qi and Blood and to remove stagnation so that health is restored and is based on the foundational principle of Chinese medicine “where there is pain you will find a blockage of Qi and Blood, where there is free flow of Qi and Blood there is no pain”.

The suction created by the cupping draws blood towards the surface skin layer improving blood flow. The pressure differentiation inside the cup pulls on the fascia (connective tissue surrounding the muscles) loosening muscles and adhesions that restrict movement and normal function. 

This is an excellent tool for recovery from injury such as back and neck strain and shoulder girdle and rotator cuff. (As seen used during the Olympics with Michael Phelps). Cupping has now been adopted by PTs and other physical medicine practitioners because of its efficacy.

Gliding cupping is when a lubricant is applied to the area to be treated the cups can glide across the skin surface creating more circulation and lymph flow. The use of a herbal liniment will ease the pinching sensation from the suction and facilitate the movement on the skin surface. The result is like a deep tissue massage.

Depending on the condition being treated, the cups are left in place from 5 to 10 minutes.

If it is too strong a suction the cupping can be painful and damage tissue and blood vessels below the surface and with too little suction the cups will fall off.  There are also cups now that have a suction gun where it is easier to regulate the suction.

The treatment will leave circular marks that resemble bruises on the skin for several days or up to a week that are superficial; cupping should not hurt the recipient. If the marks are there for a long time it is an indication that there is poor circulation. The aim is not to create dark marks or cause harm.

Another cupping technique is called “wet cupping”, that involves using a lancet to puncture the skin before placing the cups.  A small amount of blood will come into the cup.  This is a form of “blood-letting”. To be clear, the concept of bloodletting in Chinese Medicine is to extract toxins and heat by allowing a small amount of blood to be released. The use of bloodletting techniques should only be performed by licensed professionals that are extensively trained in Chinese medicine and are aware of the risks of handling body fluids. (blood)   

Cupping has many health benefits such as relieving pain, improving immune function, reducing inflammation, digestion and many more.

The scientific theory of why cupping may work is that cupping causes local inflammation that triggers the immune system to produce cytokines, small proteins that enhance communication between cells and help to modulate the immune response.

it can help relieve the stiffness of muscles and calm the nervous system.

Research indicates cupping therapy effects are linked with mechanism of action theories such as pain gate theory and activation of the immune system.  

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Natural Remedies for a Sore Throat

Most sore throats are from a viral infection from a cold or a flu, but they can also come from a bacterial infection as in the case of strep throat. 

@tsaolinmoy (6).png

The nose and throat are the gateway of infection into the body. At the onset of a scratchy or sore throat taking natural remedy can quickly and effectively relieve the inflammation and  prevent more serious infection. The key with any medicinals is to use them appropriately to support the body’s natural healing mechanism.

Most natural remedies are safe to use and effective for children and during pregnancy, but it is always wise to consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

Classic Chinese herbal remedies from the Han dynasty 200BC-220AD to Qing dynasty 1644-1836 successfully treat sore throats as well as more serious febrile diseases. They are in use today because of their efficacy.

Yin Qiao Ma Bo San: Honeysuckle, Forsythia, and Puffball powder)  Treats severe sore throat with difficulty swallowing as with febrile diseases such as covid-19.  

Contains: Honeysuckle, Forsythia, burdock root, Belamcanda Rhizome, .Puffball, the fruiting body of mushrooms), 

Forsythia: (Lian Qiao)has anti-inflammatory properties and is a main herb in many Chinese herbal formulas involving sore throats and fevers. 

Honeysuckle: (Jin Yin Hua) studies show that it has strong anti-viral properties. In chinese herbal medicine honeysuckle is called Jin Yin Hua and is a main herb in many formulas used for prevention and treatment of Covid-19. 

Burdock root seed: (Niu Bang Zi) Burdock root is both food and medicine. In Chinese medicine it is called Niu Bang and the seeds Niu Bang Zi are used for treating “heat” conditions such as fever, cough, and a sore, red swollen throat.  It is combined with other herbs to create fever formulas and “heat” conditions.

Heat conditions in Chinese medicine are inflammations such as arthritis or infections, in particular studies show that Burdock root is anti-inflammatory and also antioxidant meaning that it is cancer fighting. Research shows that the extracts of burdock root are able to break down the biofilm of bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics treatment of bladder infections. 

Puffball mushroom(Ma Bo) -  Mature fruiting body has many antioxidant properties and broad spectrum antimicrobial activity.

Yin Qiao San: (Honeysuckle and Forsythia powder) Treats fever, headache, cough and sore throat. This is the early stage of getting sick, and patients take it as soon as they feel a little scratchy throat. The chief herbs Honeysuckle and Forsythia.

Research  shows this formula is effective for upper respiratory infections and common colds. It is a classic Chinese medicine formula.

Ban Lan Gen and Da Qing Ye: Isatis root and Isatis leaf treat influenza and sore throat. Usually these herbs are part of a formula, but can be found and used as a single herb in a tincture or in a lozenge form in an Asian herbal shop.

Herbs and herbal teas can be brewed alone or in combinations, all one needs is hot water and let them steep. Teas can also be stored in the refrigerator as a cold beverage. 

  • Peppermint tea: Helps with digestion and the menthol in peppermint helps with opening the sinuses. In Chinese herbal medicine it is called Bo He and is a chief herb for sinus and throat formulas. 

  • Dandelion flower tea: Sore throats and mastitis, it is also good for “heat” conditions such as  bladder infections and inflammation. In Chinese herbal medicine it is called Pu Gong Ying and is used in formulas for breast tenderness and mastitis with breastfeeding and detoxing the liver.  Studies show that dandelion also helps with liver function and  has anti-diabetic effects which helps with blood sugar regulation.

  • Honeysuckle: Use for sinus upper respiratory tract infections including colds, influenza, pneumonia, digestive disorders and studies show that it has strong anti-viral properties. In Chinese herbal medicine honeysuckle is called Jin Yin Hua and is a main herb in many formulas used for prevention and treatment of Covid-19. 

  • Chrysanthemum flower tea: Is used traditionally for summer teas and is as popular as green tea. It is called Ju Hua in Chinese medicine and studies show that it can help reduce inflammation, extracts of chrysanthemum show that it can help with osteoporosis. Similar to Dandelion Ju Hua also can relieve liver toxicity by “cooling” the blood. 

  • Gargling with apple cider vinegar and warm salt water. Vinegar and salt water can help relieve swollen and inflamed tissue in the throat and break up mucus. Both vinegar and salt create an environment that is unfriendly to bacteria that may be causing the inflammation. They both disrupt the biofilms formed by bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics. 1-2 teaspoons of ACV in warm water with salt, gargle 20-30 seconds then spit.

  • Honey, Lemon and Ginger for a Sore throat: I recommend to my patients Manuka honey to add to their tea with lemon and ginger.  Manuka honey comes from the flowers of Manuka shrub that are in the Tea Tree family that have stronger antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties than average honey. 

The Best Ways to Boost Immunity Naturally

People are asking is “how can I improve my immune system and protect my family and friends that may be at greater risk of infection?.”

People are asking is “how can I improve my immune system and protect my family and friends that may be at greater risk of infection?.”

The Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) has sent shockwaves around the Globe. People are asking is “how can I improve my immune system and protect my family and friends that may be at greater risk of infection?.”

Everyone is feeling a bit overwhelmed, panicked and scared, this is normal.

What is important that you know there are things that you can do for yourself that are simple and will have a positive impact on your health and immunity.

I am sharing a full list on “how to boost your immune system”, that was partly included in the published article for

The best way to boost immunity naturally is to take something that you already do (such as sleep, eat and think) and make small shifts so that it becomes part of a routine. 

  • Drink Tea as well as water! Both green and black teas (Camellia Sinensis family) have shown to have natural antimicrobial and antiviral properties . The antioxidants in black help prevent stomach cancers and have a direct bactericidal effect against Streptococcus mutans. The throat is the gateway for bacteria and viruses to enter the body so Tea is what the doctor ordered.

  • Coconut oil: With all the hand washing, the natural oils and bacteria that act as a barrier of protection get washed away. Dry cracked skin is an easy target for infection. Coconut oil is naturally antibacterial, anti-fungal and moisturizing at the same time. You can also swish coconut oil in your mouth to help fight gum irritation too.

  • Limit the electronics: We have so much media consumption with fear about the future is emotionally draining. Communicating via email or texts is isolating and can lead to depression. Lack of human contact has a toll on your health. Face-to-face socializing reduces depression.  Instead have a conversation on the phone, or make a point of smiling or saying hello to a stranger. 

  • Sleep: One of the best ways to boost immunity is to get quality sleep. It is during sleep that we are able to regenerate and heal. We also produce cytokines, a  protein that targets infection and inflammation, effectively creating an immune response. Long term  sleep problems are associated with many chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and pain. 

  • Digestion: Gut health on the inside is what will protect you from viruses and bacterial infections on the outside. Gut homeostasis helps reduce body inflammations and helps with brain functioning. There is a brain gut connection with over 90% of serotonin being produced in the digestive tract. Taking Probiotics and Prebiotics to help keep your digestion in order as well as your emotional resilience.

  • Food as medicine: Incorporate superfoods into your diet. Superfoods such as dark vegetable, mushrooms, berries, avocado, nuts and seeds and more. These are also nutrient dense and have health benefits beyond their nutrients.

  • Mindfulness: We have a monkey brain and when we worry too much our nervous system goes into stress mode, fight or flight. The release of adrenaline and cortisol on a constant low level damages our connective tissues and immune system. Focusing 10 minutes a day on clearing your mind of mental chatter and doing walking outdoors, stretching, or a moving meditation such as Tai Chi, QI Gong or Yoga helps to rewire the brain and strengthen the mind body connection and support overall health.

  • Longevity mindset: Acupuncture and Chinese is based on the principles of balance. Seek out someone with a holistic health perspective that looks at your health individually and will teach you how to maximize your health.

When this health crisis has settled we can look at what we can do better.

5 Strategies to Take Care of that Cold!

When the temperatures start to shift and change from one extreme to another as we go into cooler weather; the dreaded first cold of the season can show up.

Having a smart health strategy for when you start feeling a little off will make a difference as to whether you succumb to getting sick, recover quickly or deflect it all together.

The symptoms are mild; a little scratchy throat, a runny nose maybe a little fatigue. This is a crucial time to get healthy before the environment (weather) becomes more intense and your body will have to work harder to regulate itself and stay healthy.

Cultivating health based habits that include acupuncture, herbs, mediation , clean diet and exercise is a great foundation for longevity.

Whether you are able to fend off getting sick or recover quickly from a cold will reveal how strong your mind, body and spirit are, basically how much vim and vigor you have!

Here are 5 things you can do to promote you health and will help you recover faster from the first cold of the season!

1. Probiotics - keep your gut flora balanced, your immune system actually resides in the gut. Maintaining a healthy digestive system will help you stay strong when the weather changes or when we encounter new environments. I recommend probiotics to all my patients as health maintenance.

Taking a daily probiotic helps maintain healthy intestinal flora.

Taking a daily probiotic helps maintain healthy intestinal flora.

2. Sleep - this is when your body does it’s repairing; digestion, emotional processing and filtering toxins and metabolic waste. It is a reset. If you don’t have quality sleep, brain function is affected and we end up with less than optimal functioning. (sleep deprivation is linked to diabetes and long term sleep problems is linked to Alzheimer's disease and dementia). Have going to sleep a priority as much as you have waking up!

cultivate good sleep habits that will support your immune system and keep you healthy all year around.

cultivate good sleep habits that will support your immune system and keep you healthy all year around.

3. Manuka honey - gives support for the immune system because of its antimicrobial, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties coming from flowers of the Manuka tree. Manuka is similar to Tea Tree (Malaleuca), both belong to the Myrtaceae family, along with Eucalyptus, Clove and Myrtle. Add the honey with ginger and lemon to teas or use it over your morning cereal!

Natural anti-microbial properties in Manuka honey will boost your immune system.

Natural anti-microbial properties in Manuka honey will boost your immune system.

4. Tulsi Tea - also known as Holy Basil, helps prevent certain respiratory illnesses ranging from colds and coughs to bronchitis and asthma. This herbal tea is loaded with anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties that can help in fighting infections and allergies, it is especially good for inflammations of the respiratory tract and can keep the seasonal colds at bay.

Teas have natural anti-microbial properties and are anti-oxidant, meaning they support you immune system and help with recovering from a cold and preventing it from going deeper into your body.

Teas have natural anti-microbial properties and are anti-oxidant, meaning they support you immune system and help with recovering from a cold and preventing it from going deeper into your body.

5. Neti pot - Nasal irrigation with a saline solution helps to thin mucus and flush out the nasal passages. Allergen irritants and debris cause the mucous membranes to swell and create congestion, the saline reduces the swelling of the mucous membranes and draws out mucous from the congested sinuses. Salt or saline solutions can draw water out of bacteria through their cell membranes and this dehydration can kill the bacteria. The same effect happens when you jump into the sea and salt water goes up your nose, all mucous comes out!


Salt solution creates an environment that bacteria and fungus don’t thrive in.

Making sure that you get regular acupuncture treatments through out the year as a smart health strategy will help your body and it’s immune system to function optimally.

The strongest medicine is preventative medicine!

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