How Acupuncture Can Improve Egg Quality And Age-Related Infertility Issues

Many women believe that once they reach the age of forty, it will be impossible for them to get pregnant on their own. It’s also a mainstream belief that the chances of a woman over forty getting pregnant without the help of IVF and IUI are very slim. But neither of these beliefs is entirely true. While it may be fair to say that a woman in her forties is less fertile than a woman in her twenties or thirties, it’s certainly possible for a woman in her forties, or even fifties, to get pregnant, and acupuncture can help. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at how acupuncture can improve egg quality and age-related infertility issues.

Acupuncture supports hormonal balance in women across age groups, and can improve ovarian function and egg quality even in older women. Additionally, acupuncture supports uterine health to improve your chances of conception and pregnancy. 

Acupuncture improves hormone levels

One of the reasons why women may experience age-related infertility issues is because of hormonal changes and imbalances. Estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate from cycle to cycle, even among younger reproductive-age women. As women get older, their bodies produce less estrogen. This drop in estrogen is normal, but it can impact fertility.

Estrogen is essential for pregnancy as it supports the development of the endometrium, the lining of the uterus. When estrogen levels are low, the endometrium tends to be thin, unhealthy, and unreceptive to implantation. Low estrogen levels can make it impossible to get pregnant, whether you’re using assisted reproduction or not.

Research shows that acupuncture can be used to boost estrogen levels. Acupuncture also supports progesterone and prolactin levels, two additional hormones that play an important role in pregnancy. Progesterone supports gestation, while prolactin also supports pregnancy as well as breastfeeding.

Whether you’re a woman in her forties trying to get pregnant on her own, or you’re looking into IVF and IUI treatments to maximize your chances of conception, acupuncture can be used as an adjunct therapy to support healthy hormone levels. 

Acupuncture improves ovarian reserve and function

With your hormones balanced, this will go a long way toward establishing healthy menstrual cycles. But if you’re over forty, getting a period every 28 to 35 days does not necessarily mean you’re ovulating, too. And because ovulation is key to conception, it’s important to do everything you can to keep your ovaries in good working order.

Acupuncture can be used to enhance blood flow to the reproductive organs. The ovaries, in particular, benefit from this increase in circulation as it provides them with freshly oxygenated red blood cells, as well as hormones that they need to function properly.

In one study, women over the age of 37 who received acupuncture treatments had significantly more mature oocytes during IVF retrieval than women undergoing IVF treatments alone. Another study illustrated acupuncture’s ability to support ovulation by regulating hormones, even in women with an underlying hormonal condition (PCOS).

Whether you’re trying to conceive naturally or are looking to support healthy ovulation before your IVF egg retrieval, acupuncture can be used to improve ovarian health and enhance the quality of your eggs even into your forties.

Acupuncture supports uterine health

Good blood flow to the reproductive organs doesn’t just mean better ovarian health, it also means better uterine health. Keeping the uterus toned and ensuring adequate blood flow to the womb will both help support the development of a healthy endometrium. Adequate circulation to the uterus also prevents contractions before IUI treatments and IVF transfers, which can further enhance your chances of conception.

Of course, the importance of uterine health extends beyond conception and implantation. It’s equally important for sustaining a healthy pregnancy. Acupuncture can help you throughout your pregnancy, supporting blood flow to the uterus to nourish your growing baby.

Many expecting mothers use acupuncture throughout their pregnancies, not just to ease their pregnancy symptoms (say goodbye to morning sickness!), but also to help prepare for labor. Older mothers are at increased risk of a breech birth. Fortunately, acupuncture can be used to turn your baby in the proper position before labor, so you can have an easier delivery. 

Other therapies can help, too

Acupuncture is a wonderful option for older women who wish to become pregnant, but it’s not the only therapy we have at our disposal to improve reproductive health. Herbal medicine can also be effective. Although you should never use these remedies without professional guidance, with the help of a licensed herbalist, herbal medicine has been used to restore fertility in many women over forty.

Dietary choices also play an important role in a woman’s fertility. Certain superfoods, like yams, goji berries, and cinnamon, can be introduced into the diet to support healthy hormone levels as well as ovulation. Lifestyle modifications may be useful as well in certain situations. Getting plenty of exercise can support healthy hormone levels and a healthy pelvic floor.

Massage therapy and a good stress management program are highly effective as well. Stressors are everywhere and over time, we tend to store up all of our anxieties in our muscles, causing pain. Chronic stress leads to out-of-control cortisol levels, too, and that also spells bad news for your fertility.

Whatever may be contributing to your fertility struggles, we offer a wide variety of treatment methods. We’ll sit down with you to discuss your fertility goals and help you come up with a treatment protocol that supports you. 

Book an appointment with us today

If you’re a woman over the age of forty looking to get pregnant, you can improve your reproductive health with the help of acupuncture. This centuries-old holistic practice is powerful enough that it can be used alone, yet gentle enough that it can be used in tandem with conventional fertility-support medications and assisted reproduction treatments.

To learn more about how acupuncture can help you get pregnant, contact our office today to book an appointment. At Integrative Healing Arts, we’ve helped countless women get pregnant, even well into their forties. We would love the opportunity to help you, too!