Benefits Acupuncture for Pudendal Neuralgia

For those struggling with chronic pelvic pain, this can be due to pudendal nerve entrapment or pudendal neuralgia.  Even the most basic daily activities can feel painful and distressing. Not only can it cause a lot of pain when it becomes inflamed and triggered, but it can also cause embarrassing symptoms such as IBS and the persistent feeling of urgency for the bathroom, constipation, urinary incontinence (UI), and painful intercourse.

While pudendal neuralgia is extremely frustrating and painful it is also challenging to treat. , An increasing number of patients are finding significant relief by receiving acupuncture in the treatment of pelvic floor disorders as well as manual therapies to their treatment plan. This ancient Chinese practice may help reduce pudendal nerve inflammation and muscle tension while also alleviating many of the secondary symptoms accompanying this condition. When combined with other integrative therapies, acupuncture offers a safe, minimally invasive option for relieving pain and discomfort from pudendal neuralgia.

Acupuncture may help alleviate pudendal neuralgia symptoms by promoting blood flow, reducing inflammation, supporting pelvic floor functions, and releasing endorphins that block pain signals. The needles are inserted at specific points to relieve pudendal nerve inflammation and related areas, potentially providing relief from pelvic and genital pain associated with this condition.

What is pudendal neuralgia?

Pudendal neuralgia occurs when the pudendal nerve - which innervates the pelvic floor muscles, genitals, and areas around the rectum - becomes inflamed, compressed, or injured. 

Living with such severe, stubborn pain can take an immense physical and emotional toll.

Pudendal neuralgia often begins following a pelvic injury, trauma, or intense muscle strain, and it is often found in people who suffer from IBS, weak connective tissue, structural imbalances (scoliosis), and menstrual disorders such as painful periods, though in many cases the root cause remains unclear. 

For women postpartum it is very common to experience pelvic floor dysfunction, (PFD) late in pregnancy, and at least 3 out of 4 women experience (PFD) 1 year after delivery. This includes pudendal nerve inflammation that disrupts the normal recovery of the pelvic floor muscles.

Once the pudendal nerve becomes irritated or inflamed, the resulting painful sensations can spread throughout the pelvis, genitals, rectum, perineum, and upper thighs interfering with normal function. The severe, unrelenting burning, stabbing pains may intensify when sitting for too long, during bowel movements, sexual intercourse, or even just walking.

As with any chronic pain condition, the constant effects of pudendal neuralgia extend far beyond just the physical discomfort alone. The emotional weight of trying to cope as well as the therapy treatments can drastically affect your quality of life.

Many patients experience related issues such as anxiety, depression, loss of sleep, strained relationships, and the inability to work or engage in normal activities. The good news is that acupuncture can help alleviate your pudendal neuralgia symptoms with regular sessions in your treatment journey.

Acupuncture reduces body inflammation and swelling

When the pudendal nerve becomes trapped or compressed by inflamed muscles, the resulting pressure on this delicate neural pathway is what sparks your pelvic pain, and PFD, there can be numbness and hypersensitivity.

Studies indicate acupuncture can effectively alleviate inflammation by stimulating the body's natural anti-inflammatory compounds and pathways. By reducing swelling and tension in the pelvic floor and surrounding tissues, acupuncture removes sources of pudendal nerve compression and irritation.

Acupuncture can increase local circulation 

Improved blood flow and circulation from acupuncture also prevent pudendal nerve compression and facilitate the delivery of oxygen-rich nutrients to encourage healing. With restored circulation relieving pressure on the nerve, inflammation of the pelvic floor is relieved, proper nerve signaling and function return, and the burning sensations and radiating pains often begin to subside.

Acupuncture releases muscle tension and spasms

When the pudendal nerve remains entrapped for an extended time, the surrounding pelvic floor muscles can develop painful spasms, tightness, and dysfunction as they strain to compensate for the trapped nerve's diminished function.

By attending regular acupuncture sessions, our team trained in pelvic floor conditions will personalize treatment, inserting thin needles to help relax and lengthen these contracted muscles, releasing the internal dysfunctional holding patterns and muscle tension that are compressing the nerve. This natural muscle relaxation allows your overworked and hypertonic pelvic floor to finally reset and recover.

Acupuncture aids in disrupting pain signals

Beyond addressing the musculoskeletal and circulatory components, acupuncture has also been shown to disrupt the transmission of pain signals to the brain by modulating the nervous system's pain-processing mechanisms. Research indicates acupuncture promotes the release of the body's pain-relieving compounds like endorphins, encephalin, and serotonin to help override pudendal neuralgia's constant pain signaling.

Acupuncture can enhance your well-being

The profound effects of chronic pelvic pain on mental health cannot be ignored. Studies suggest acupuncture may reduce stress, depression, anxiety, and sleep disturbances that often accompany pudendal neuralgia by regulating neurotransmitters, promoting relaxation, and restoring physical balance. With the emotional weight of unrelenting pain lifted, you can better focus on healing and focus on your health, immunity, and wellness in life.

An integrative treatment approach

While the therapeutic benefits of acupuncture for pudendal neuralgia are promising, this therapy is most effective when applied alongside other treatment modalities through an integrative approach that works best for you.

At Integrative Healing Arts, your journey begins with a thorough evaluation to understand your unique case - from official diagnosis, causative factors, and aggravating movements to past treatments and their effectiveness. From there, our experienced practitioners will carefully develop a treatment that suits your needs.

At our clinic, your pudendal neuralgia plan may include acupuncture supplemented with other traditional Chinese herbal medicine, massage therapy, and mind-body practices for chronic pain management.

Get in touch with our office today

Living with the severe, unrelenting pain of pudendal neuralgia can feel like an impossible, hopeless situation at times. But you don't have to let this condition define your life any longer. With the right comprehensive care team and range of therapies, significant relief, and recovery are possible.

At Integrative Healing Arts, our compassionate, experienced team is trained to treat pelvic floor conditions and will work closely to provide a personalized care plan to put you on the path to overcoming your chronic pelvic pain. We create customized treatment plans before embryo transfer that continue in the days and weeks following the procedure. We aim to provide your body with every possible support as you await those life-changing results.

Contact us today to book an appointment at Integrative Healing Arts to learn more about how adding acupuncture addresses your unique pain pattern and brings relief and functionality back. Our caring team is here to guide you through every step.