Can Acupuncture Help Implantation?

For couples trying to conceive, the two-week wait after embryo transfer can feel like an eternity. Trying to stay busy while checking for signs of implantation to occur can seem cumbersome. Even with the most cutting-edge assisted reproductive technologies, successful implantation and achieving a healthy pregnancy are not guaranteed.

Many women are exploring receiving acupuncture not only for its stress-relieving benefits during this anxious period but also for improving blood flow and improving implantation rates directly. In this study, acupuncture was shown to be effective in aiding implantation. When used alongside other treatments, both acupuncture and moxibustion were found to increase the clinical pregnancy rates among women undergoing IVF.

Acupuncture may aid embryo implantation by improving blood flow to the uterus, reducing stress, and balancing hormones, reducing inflammation, potentially enhancing the environment for implantation.

Should you have acupuncture before or after implantation?

For optimal results, many fertility experts recommend an integrated approach to receiving acupuncture both before and after your embryo transfer procedure. This allows you to take advantage of acupuncture's benefits during each critical stage of your implantation process.

Before your transfer, acupuncture helps prepare your body to create an environment desirable for implantation, preparing your uterus to accept the embryo.

We also recommend having acupuncture shortly after the embryo has been transferred, to continue supporting the implantation journey. Post-transfer treatments support embryo adhesion, further increase uterine perfusion, and maintain hormonal balance as the embryo attempts to attach to your uterine lining. Our clients usually attend regular acupuncture sessions until taking a pregnancy test, with some continuing acupuncture therapy into their first trimester and second trimester, and even post-pregnancy!

Our fertility acupuncturists coordinate the timing giving you the best possible advantage for achieving the successful implantation you've been hoping for.

Acupuncture can increase uterine blood flow

Robust blood flow to the uterine lining is essential for implantation and providing the nutrients an embryo needs to thrive in the earliest stages of pregnancy. The uterine arteries must dilate and microcirculation must increase to allow more blood to reach the area. However, the hormonal imbalances, medications, and stress involved with IVF and IUI can instead restrict blood vessel dilation and uterine blood flow.

Studies show that acupuncture can improve the uterine artery blood flow. The enhanced uterine blood perfusion optimizes conditions for the embryo to receive ample oxygen and nourishment, while also allowing more hormones to reach the implantation site. This rich, metabolically active uterine environment gives your embryo its best chance to properly adhere and begin establishing a blood supply and placental connection.

Acupuncture may improve embryo attachment

One of the first critical steps for successful implantation is the embryo fully adhering (attaching) to the uterine wall lining. Without strong attachment, implantation cannot progress. Research suggests acupuncture may help optimize this embryo adhesion process encouraging the production of proteins that allow embryos to attach to the uterine lining more effectively.

Some studies have also examined how acupuncture impacts the expression of key implantation proteins within the cells of the uterine lining itself. Certain proteins like leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) play an essential role in signaling the uterus to create a hospitable environment while also facilitating adhesion between the embryo and uterine wall.

This increased availability of adhesion proteins helps the embryo effectively latch onto the uterine lining and signal its presence. It's one of the first crucial steps before invasion into the lining can begin. By promoting this biological adhesion process, acupuncture helps create the ideal conditions for implantation to successfully take hold inside your body.

Acupuncture regulates hormones & reduces stress

Acupuncture is believed to influence the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis, which is crucial for hormonal balance. By stimulating specific acupuncture points, acupuncture can modulate the release of hormones such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), all of which are vital for reproductive processes.

As mentioned, acupuncture can also enhance blood flow to the uterus and ovaries. Improved blood circulation can create a more favorable environment for embryo implantation by ensuring the delivery of oxygen, nutrients, and hormones. This enhancement of local blood flow may also help in regulating your estrogen and progesterone levels. These hormones are essential for preparing the endometrium (uterine lining) for implantation and supporting early pregnancy.

This time in your pregnancy journey can be very stressful, and the good news is that acupuncture may reduce stress levels and the associated physiological effects. Stress causes an inflammatory response while elevating cortisol levels and other hormones that can restrict fertility and discourage implantation.

Studies show receiving acupuncture is associated with significantly lower self-reported stress, anxiety, and depression levels compared to routine care or other control groups among women undergoing fertility treatments. By reducing the physiological and emotional impacts of stress, acupuncture creates a calmer, more hospitable internal environment to allow your embryo the best chance at implanting successfully.

Other therapies can be used during and after implantation

Massage therapy can also help women during implantation. With a specialized massage from our skilled practitioners, you’ll benefit and feel immediate stress release as we focus on relieving key muscle tension and encourage your body to relax during this special window of time. This will also make it easier for your body to move lymph and improve circulation and mobility during pregnancy workouts and yoga sessions.

How soon after embryo transfer should I have acupuncture?

We understand that there is a critical time window when it comes to using acupuncture to support implantation after your embryo transfer.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we recommended starting acupuncture sessions 6 to 8 weeks before transfer. Pre-transfer acupuncture helps prepare the uterine environment by increasing blood flow, regulating hormone levels, and reducing stress levels. This primes (educates) the body to readily be in a relaxed state and naturally support healthy conditions for implantation once the embryo has been transferred.

Then, after the transfer is complete, the progressive fertility experts recommend receiving acupuncture sessions within a few hours after the transfer. Post-transfer acupuncture helps with blood flow, relieving stress and cramping. Cramping can make it harder for the embryo to “stick” and burrow. It maintains increased circulation to the uterus while keeping inflammation levels balanced.

From there, patients are encouraged to continue with acupuncture at least 2 times per week until taking a pregnancy test around 14 days after transfer. These regular sessions support implantation progression and early embryonic development during that critical two-week window.

Get in touch with us today

Embryo implantation can be a stressful time for couples, but with the holistic approach and wisdom of ancient medicine of acupuncture, many women are having positive experiences on their journey to be mothers. 

At Integrative Healing Arts, our experienced fertility acupuncturists understand the complexities of the implantation process as well as how to apply acupuncture for optimal results. We develop customized treatment plans synced to your IVF cycle that include acupuncture surrounding embryo transfer day. Our goal is to provide a comprehensive support system to facilitate implantation and early pregnancy.

Contact our office to learn more about how adding acupuncture to your fertility care may increase your chances of taking home a happy, healthy baby. Our compassionate team is here to guide you every step of the way.