6 Herbs for Hormonal Balance

For women with frustrating symptoms,  like irregular periods, PMS, fatigue, weight fluctuations, and mood swings it can feel like an endless battle. Metabolic and hormonal imbalances are often the root cause and unfortunately, these women end up on years of medications that only treat their symptoms.

While medications can potentially help regulate hormone levels, many women are exploring natural, holistic approaches like herbal medicine to support bringing their hormones into balance. Herbs have therapeutically been used for thousands of years in traditional medicine systems to positively address women's hormonal health issues.

Customized protocols including traditional Chinese herbs like black cohosh, chasteberry, dong quai, primrose oil, and maca, can address hormonal imbalances, restoring your body’s natural hormonal rhythm. 

Black Cohosh for Menopause Relief 

One of the most well-known herbs for balancing hormones during perimenopause and menopause is black cohosh (Actaea racemosa), in Chinese medicine it is called Sheng Ma. This member of the buttercup family has also been used extensively in traditional medicine in Native American and European countries to ease the transition into menopause.

As hormone levels like estrogen decline with age, many women experience hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, mood changes, and sleep disruptions. Black cohosh works by mimicking estrogen's effects in the body without containing hormones. Studies have found black cohosh to be effective in reducing uncomfortable menopause symptoms, plus it may also reduce bone loss related to declining estrogen levels.

Vitex for PMS and menstrual regulation 

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can make the days leading up to your period uncomfortable from mood swings and bloating to headaches and breast tenderness. If you experience moderate to severe PMS each cycle, the herb vitex (Vitex agnus-castus) known as Man Jing Zi, is used in formulas for menstrual conditions and could support pain-free cycles.

Vitex, commonly known as chasteberry, works as a natural remedy and alternative to traditional over-the-counter pain relief for PMS. Studies show that chasteberry aids the pituitary gland in regulating the production of key reproductive hormones like luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH). This enables more balanced estrogen and progesterone levels throughout your menstrual cycle.

In addition to reducing PMS symptoms, studies show Vitex can help regulate irregular menstrual cycles and promote more consistent ovulation for those struggling with conditions like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Some women have even experienced improved fertility after supplementing with chaste berry.

Dong Quai for Menstrual Cramps 

If you routinely experience crippling menstrual cramps each month, the ancient Chinese herb dong quai (Angelica sinensis) could be a game-changer in managing your period pain. Research confirms dong quai's effectiveness as a natural remedy for dysmenorrhea (menstrual cramps). Dong quai contains compounds that can help relax the smooth muscle lining of the uterus, allowing for easier menstrual flow and less severe cramping. It may also help increase blood circulation to the pelvic area while providing anti-inflammatory benefits.

While dong quai is unlikely to cause concerning side effects when taken properly, it may interact with certain medications like anticoagulants due to its blood-thinning properties. As with any supplement, check with your doctor first before adding dong quai to your hormonal balance supplement routine.

Maca for Hormone Balance 

If you're experiencing symptoms related to an imbalance in estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, or other key hormones, the superfood maca root (Ginseng Andin) may help restore much-needed equilibrium. This nutrient-dense Peruvian plant has been used for centuries, and many women are turning to maca for relieving issues like estrogen dominance, low libido, hot flashes, irregular periods, infertility, and other hormone-related concerns across all life stages.

Maca is considered an adaptogen, meaning it can naturally help modulate your body's stress response while optimizing overall endocrine function. By supporting the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, maca enables more regulated hormone production based on your body's needs. Studies suggest that the alkaloids and sterols in maca may also enhance energy levels, mood, and sexual function by helping balance hormone levels.

As a food-based supplement, maca is generally considered safe, however, because it has the potential to disrupt thyroid function, it is advised that you work with a licensed herbalist before taking it for hormonal imbalances.

Evening Primrose Oil for PMS 

If breast tenderness and feeling bloated are your biggest PMS woes, supplementing with evening primrose oil (EPO), in Chinese medicine called Yue Jian Cao, could provide substantial relief. Evening primrose is one of the richest plant sources of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), an omega-6 fatty acid with anti-inflammatory properties.

Studies suggest GLA from evening primrose can help alleviate PMS discomforts by providing a direct source of this beneficial fatty acid. Women may experience cyclical deficiencies in GLA during the luteal phase (1 to 2 weeks before menstruation) that can contribute to breast pain, bloating, and other PMS issues each cycle. Research also shows evening primrose oil supplementation is effective in reducing the severity of breast pain and feelings of bloating related to PMS.

Licorice Root for Adrenal Support 

When it comes to restoring hormonal harmony, sometimes the root cause of imbalance stems from excessive stress on your adrenal glands. Licorice root known as Gan Cao is found in almost every Chinese herbal formula combined with ginger. Licorice soothes the throat and digestive system. It's beneficial for the immune system, hot flashes, and stress.

Licorice is believed to work by reducing the effects of cortisol, your body's primary stress hormone. By gently inhibiting an enzyme that deactivates cortisol, licorice root can help maintain circulating levels of this critical hormone within a healthier range during periods of high stress or adrenal fatigue. Studies show licorice may reduce serum testosterone levels in women suffering from PCOS hormonal imbalances.

 Licorice can potentially raise blood pressure in some, it's important to take it in moderation and consult your doctor if you have any underlying conditions like heart or kidney disease before supplementing.

Get in touch with us today

At Integrative Healing Arts, we support incorporating herbs into your health, immunity, and wellness routine to help manage your hormonal imbalances.

During your initial consultation, our experienced herbalist will attentively listen to your medical history, fertility goals, and any hormonal imbalance concerns you may have. Book your first appointment today and you can be confident that you’ve taken the first step to improving your hormones and supporting your journey towards optimal reproductive health.