How Often Should You Do Acupuncture For Fertility?

Are you trying to conceive but struggling with infertility? You're not alone. Many couples face challenges on their journey to starting a family. In fact, 1 in 8 couples experience infertility. If you've been looking for natural ways to boost your fertility, you may have become aware that acupuncture can improve fertility. Many fertility clinics now not only encourage receiving acupuncture, but they recommend it. This ancient Chinese practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to promote healing and balance. But how frequently should you receive acupuncture treatments for maximum benefit? The answer isn't one-size-fits-all. At Integrative Healing Arts, we tailor treatment plans to your unique needs and cycle. Let us guide you to optimize your fertility journey.

Acupuncture helps regulate hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and FSH/LH to promote ovulation. It also helps increase blood flow and oxygen delivery to the ovaries and uterus, supporting egg quality and implantation.

Egg development starts early

Did you know that the eggs you'll ovulate in any given cycle started developing 3 months earlier? It's true - your eggs take about 3 months to fully mature before ovulation. This means that to optimize your egg quality and boost your fertility, you'll want to start receiving supportive therapies like acupuncture at least 3 months before you hope to conceive.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we recommend beginning weekly acupuncture sessions 3 months before your conception window. Our fertility acupuncture treatments can help improve egg development, balance hormones, and enhance overall egg quality. By supporting your body well in advance, we can help you produce the highest quality eggs for a healthy pregnancy, even for women trying to have fertility success in their 40s.

Acupuncture boosts IVF success rates

If you're pursuing IVF, acupuncture 2-3 months before IVF transfer can significantly increase your chances of taking home a healthy baby. Numerous studies show that having acupuncture done before and after your embryo transfer can nearly double your pregnancy rates compared to not receiving acupuncture.

Our practice follows best practices by offering acupuncture at our clinic on the day of embryo transfer - just before and after your transfer. This ensures you receive the maximum benefits without added stress from traveling off-site.

Research also indicates that having acupuncture sessions leading up to your IVF cycle, in addition to the transfer day treatments, can further boost your live birth rates. Our fertility acupuncture programs are customized to optimize your natural cycle or enhance the success of IVF procedures.

Cycle tracking for optimal fertility timing

While weekly treatments are the general recommendation, your acupuncturist may adjust the frequency around your menstrual cycle. For example, we may suggest coming in more often around the time of ovulation - during your fertile window, you may receive acupuncture every 2-3 days. The added frequency helps to ensure healthy ovulation and creates ideal conditions for conception. By syncing your acupuncture schedule with your cycle, you can maximize its fertility-enhancing benefits when your body is most fertile.

The importance of being consistent

Like any therapy, consistency is key when using acupuncture to enhance fertility. Sporadic, infrequent sessions are less likely to be effective compared to regular, ongoing treatments. While weekly or cycle-tracked sessions are the norm, some may require a different acupuncture schedule to see results, and that's okay. What's most crucial is staying consistent with your treatments, whatever the frequency.

We understand that some challenges on your fertility journey may arise that force you to miss appointments. Keeping up with weekly appointments can be difficult while balancing work, life, and your fertility journey. But do not worry, our caring team is here to accommodate your schedule and ensure you can adhere to your customized treatment plan.

Prenatal acupuncture for a healthy pregnancy

The journey doesn't end once you conceive. Acupuncture provides vital support throughout pregnancy to nurture your baby's development and your overall wellness. As acupuncture is safe during pregnancy, we suggest you have weekly prenatal acupuncture, especially during the first trimester when miscarriage risks are highest.

Our prenatal acupuncture helps reduce morning sickness, vomiting, anxiety, and insomnia in early pregnancy, particularly in the second and third-trimester pregnancy. Perhaps more importantly, receiving consistent prenatal care like acupuncture has been linked to lower miscarriage rates. Regular treatments continue balancing your hormones and increasing nutrient-rich blood flow to the uterus for proper fetal growth.

Whether you're just starting to try or are pursuing fertility treatments, our team will develop a customized plan leveraging acupuncture to provide full-cycle support.

Additional ways to boost your fertility

While acupuncture is powerful on its own, integrating other natural therapies can provide a multifaceted boost to your fertility efforts. At Integrative Healing Arts, we develop holistic, personalized protocols drawing from different practices.

Herbal medicine

Chinese herbal medicine can work alongside acupuncture to combat fertility issues at the root. Specific herbs promote circulation, regulate hormone levels, enhance egg quality, and more.

Massage & bodywork 

Massage therapy helps reduce physical and emotional stress - two factors that can hinder fertility. Abdominal massage also aids with increased blood flow to the reproductive organs.

Dietary counseling 

What you eat has a significant impact on your hormones and fertility. Our nutritionists guide foods and supplements to improve your fertility through diet.

By combining the power of multiple natural, time-tested techniques, we take an integrative approach to overcoming infertility from all angles.

Book your appointment today

At Integrative Healing Arts, we've helped countless couples achieve their dream of conceiving through personalized acupuncture and holistic treatment plans. In most cases, weekly acupuncture is recommended, but we may adjust the cadence around your cycle timings. We'll also incorporate other supportive therapies like herbs and massage for maximum benefit.

Don't let infertility put your dreams on hold. Take the first step towards optimizing your fertility naturally by contacting our welcoming team today to start your fertility acupuncture journey. At Integrative Healing Arts, we're committed to helping you reach your goals while empowering your overall health and well-being.