Autoimmune Conditions Seem To Be On The Rise...How Can Acupuncture Help?

Having an autoimmune condition really sucks. It usually takes years to figure out what is wrong and often no one believes that you actually have pain or suffer.

Many people with autoimmune conditions find Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine gives them relief. #acupuncture #painrelief #rheumatoidarthritis

Many people with autoimmune conditions find Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine gives them relief. #acupuncture #painrelief #rheumatoidarthritis

What are autoimmune diseases?

Autoimmune diseases are an abnormal inflammatory response related to chronic illnesses. and they are on the rise in the us. According to AARDA (American Autoimmune Disease Related Association), close to 24% of the US population has an autoimmune condition. 

Environmental factors such as pesticides, and our food are a source of toxicity and inflammation. 

Conditions like MS, Crohn’s disease, Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, and Rheumatoid arthritis can have good days where everything is normal and days or weeks where you feel like your life is hijacked.

How Can Acupuncture Help?

Studies have shown it to be beneficial in treating Rheumatoid Arthritis, because of the anti-inflammatory effect, anti-oxidative effect and regulation of immune system function.

What causes autoimmune conditions to get worse?

Our lives are extremely stressful and stress hormones disrupt our immune system to then over respond and attack the body. 

Stress and stress hormones of fight or flight increase inflammation in the body and make it hard for the nervous system to rebalance. This is one of the underlying reasons why autoimmune conditions are so hard to treat. Once triggered the body becomes hypersensitive and can develop more sensitivities and triggers. Emotionally this also makes the worse.

Poor sleep will also interfere with the immune system and will inflammation, digestion and mood. It becomes a vicious cycle.

Are autoimmune diseases on the rise or is there more awareness than there used to be? 

There is more awareness about autoimmune diseases, but it is not always clear that the illnesses are autoimmune or a passing event. So many doctors don’t test patients for the autoimmune antibodies or 

Are there any theories about why?

There are lots of chemicals in our environment and pesticides, plastics, beauty products as well as processed foods and these are linked to increases in inflammation. Studies show that processed foods cause more inflammation in the body. 

Why are autoimmune commons, and so common in women?

Women have more nerve receptors as well as hormonal fluctuations compared to men.  Hormonal cycles along with stress can lead to more inflammation and contribute to chronic conditions autoimmune related illnesses such as fibromyalgia.  Research has shown estrogen plays a critical role in affecting pain receptors,  and inflammation. 

When do autoimmune illnesses typically surface and why they are they so difficult to diagnose?

Typically autoimmune conditions will surface after an event, such as the flu virus that can disrupt the intestinal flora and in turn cause an autoimmune response. Autoimmune conditions can also show up years later after suffering from mono or strep where the body never fully recovers and then over time develops more inflammations. This is what makes them so difficult to diagnose because the symptoms may come and go, and seem to be harmless, like a little allergy or digestive upset.

Something like food poisoning, can later cause chronic digestive problems such as IBS or colitis. 

Gut bacteria is crucial for our immune system and when it is out of balance our entire body suffers from a lowered immunity and a dysfunctional immune response. 


Essential Self care with Self Breast Massage

Self Breast Massage is an important part of self care.

Self Breast Massage is an important part of self care.

A massage is something that needs to be recognized as having great therapeutic value. Even going for massage as “pampering” will help the immune system by stimulating the nervous system. A breast massage is something that is generally not offered in a massage session because it is considered intimate touch. In the US, breast massage is considered illegal in most states with a few exceptions. 

This can make both the receiver of breast massage and the therapist feel a bit awkward and the need for very clear communication, boundaries, consent and trust.

A therapist can teach you how to do breast massage for yourself and it is a wonderful self care practice.

A breast massage as a health practice needs more attention because the breasts contain glandular tissue, lymph nodes, blood vessels, nerves, ligaments and ducts. This area of the body is a meeting point on the body but does not have a muscle to help with lymph circulation. Pectoral muscles are under the breast.

  • Breast massage helps to improve lymph flow, the lymph nodes in the breasts are directly connected to lymph nodes in the armpits and close to the subclavian vein where a  lymphatic vessel drains. 

  • Lymph glands collect fluid, waste material and things like viruses and bacteria that are in the body tissue outside of the bloodstream known as metabolic waste. This needs to be eliminated. 

  • Doing regular breast massage also helps with swelling that may be uncomfortable during certain times in a woman’s cycle which can be tender and painful.

  • Help to identify possible lumps or dense tissue that may need attention.

  • Relieve muscle tension in the chest. The breasts have ligaments and connective tissue that connects to the chest muscles such as pectoralis major and pectoralis minor. This connective tissue is also what gives the breasts their shape.Massage will help to relax the muscles of the chest that get very tight because we do almost all our activities like typing and lifting etc. in the front of our bodies.

  • Relieve Mastitis, which is inflammation of the ducts in the breast, studies show women with mastitis have a higher risk of breast cancer.

  • Relieve clogged milk ducts during breastfeeding.

  • Post mastectomy swelling.

Self breast massage:


  • Situate yourself and be seated with one hand above and one below the breast cupping it. Give a gentle squeeze and feel all around the circumference of the breast. You may notice there are areas that are more dense or sensitive. 

  • Massage back and forth and around keeping support of the breast. With the opposite hand e.g. right hand on top of left breast and chest with pressure move towards the left shoulder across the pectoral muscles. The left hand is supporting the breast. When you get to the armpit, grab the pectoralis muscle at the armpit and squeeze gently and massage, this is called “milking” the muscle. The fingertips will be in the armpit under the pectoralis muscle and the palm and thumb are on top of the pectoralis muscle. Do this a few times and then switch to the other side.

  • Most women may feel sensitive as this area of the body does not get a lot of attention. 

  • With both hands do gentle circles with the fingertips under the collar bone starting mid body and move outward toward the shoulder. This is where the subclavian muscle is and also where lymph drains.

  • Massaging from the middle of the chest (breast bone) outward will help to relax the pectoral muscles and move fluid that may be on the centerline.

  • Be gentle and use less pressure, the area tends to be sensitive.

Lying down 

  • Raise one arm over your head and let it relax, if it is uncomfortable support it with a pillow. 

  • You can use some coconut oil or sunflower oil as a lubricant, massage each breast one at a time starting in a circular motion from the nipple to until you are on the outer edge of the breast and stroke upwards towards the armpit. 

  • Do this several times then switch to the other side.