Benefits of Acupuncture Before Egg Retrieval

For women undergoing fertility treatments, the process of egg retrieval is a crucial step on the path to parenthood. Modern reproductive technologies have made it possible for many couples to have babies that were not possible 50 years ago.  Egg freezing, embryo freezing, egg and donor sperm, and genetic testing are significant in the Western medical world. Even, with these newfound technologies many patients seek traditional practices like acupuncture to complement and enhance their fertility treatments.

Acupuncture before egg retrieval has come to the awareness of fertility experts due to its increasing blood flow to the reproductive organs, its anti-inflammatory effect, and stress relief including the potential to improve egg quality. 

Why acupuncture before egg retrieval can improve your outcome 

The journey through fertility treatments is physically and emotionally demanding. Blood draws, medications, hormone injections, and scans are part of the egg retrieval process. Medical procedures like in vitro fertilization (IVF), place significant physical and emotional stress on a woman's body and can impact her most intimate relationships.. This is where acupuncture can play a vital role.

Acupuncture is often recommended before egg retrieval for several reasons. Firstly, it can help optimize the body's condition for the procedure. The hormonal treatments used to stimulate egg production can sometimes lead to side effects such as bloating, discomfort, and mood swings. Acupuncture can help manage these symptoms, making the process more comfortable and distressing. 

Studies show that acupuncture can also help improve blood flow to the ovaries and uterus. This increased circulation is crucial for nurturing the developing eggs and preparing the uterine lining for potential implantation. By promoting better blood flow, acupuncture may help improve the quality and quantity of eggs retrieved.

The fertility journey can be emotionally tiring, and high-stress levels can negatively impact hormone balance and overall reproductive health. Acupuncture has been shown to reduce stress and promote relaxation, which can be beneficial not only for the patient's well-being but also for how smoothly the fertility treatment process goes.

The Benefits of Acupuncture Before Egg Retrieval

The potential benefits of acupuncture before egg retrieval are numerous and can offer a significant and positive impact on fertility success rates.

Improved Egg Quality

If you are doing an egg retrieval cycle, the primary goal of this fertility process is to produce high-quality eggs for retrieval. Studies suggest that acupuncture may help improve egg quality by increasing blood flow to the ovaries, which ensures that the developing eggs receive optimal nutrition and oxygen. This improved nourishment can lead to healthier, more viable eggs.

Enhanced Ovarian Response

Some studies suggest that acupuncture may help improve ovarian response to fertility medications.  For women with low AMH or ovarian reserve, this could potentially lead to a greater number of mature eggs retrieved, increasing the chances of successful embryo transfer and development.

Reduced Side Effects

The hormonal treatments used in IVF can sometimes cause uncomfortable side effects. Acupuncture can help manage these symptoms, including bloating, headaches, acne, and mood swings, making the process of your fertility journey more comfortable.

Stress Reduction

The stress-reducing effects of acupuncture can be particularly beneficial before egg retrieval. Lower stress levels can positively impact hormone balance and may improve the overall success rate of fertility treatments. At Integrative Healing Arts, our patients said they feel more relaxed and centered after acupuncture sessions.

Improved Uterine Blood Flow

While the focus is often on egg quality, preparing the uterus for where the embryo will develop is crucial for a successful pregnancy and healthy baby. Acupuncture can enhance blood flow to the uterus, helping to create a more nurturing environment for embryo implantation later in the process.

Pain Management

Women often experience discomfort during and after the egg retrieval process. Acupuncture can help manage pain naturally, potentially reducing the need for pain medication.

Hormonal Balance

One study suggested that acupuncture may help regulate hormones, which is crucial for boosting fertility. Balanced hormones can lead to better egg development and increase the chances of successful fertilization and implantation.

What to expect on your first visit

In the weeks and months before your assisted reproduction treatments, acupuncture can be a safe and effective therapy to help your body get ready.

Your journey begins with our experienced and caring acupuncturist team. During this session, we'll thoroughly assess the "big picture"—your medical history, family history, fertility and conception background, current fertility treatments, and more. From there, we develop a personalized treatment plan that caters specifically to your body, your needs, and your unique pregnancy challenges.

Weekly acupuncture sessions 2 to 3 months before your IVF and IUI treatments have a stabilizing effect on your nervous system as well as your hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. Typically, patients undergo acupuncture sessions once or twice a week leading up to the egg retrieval procedure. The frequency may increase as the retrieval date approaches.

Additional benefits to fertility acupuncture

The benefits of acupuncture extend beyond the egg retrieval procedure itself. Many women continue to receive acupuncture treatments throughout their fertility journey and even during pregnancy. Here are some of the ongoing benefits:

  • Continued stress management

  • Support for early pregnancy symptoms such as nausea and fatigue

  • Acupuncture can continue to support hormonal balance

  • It may help boost the immune system, potentially reducing the risk of miscarriage

  • Acupuncture treatments can help prepare the body for this procedure, potentially improving the chances of successful implantation

  • Improved overall wellness

  • Acupuncture can help manage pain and discomfort 

Book your first appointment today

Acupuncture before egg retrieval offers a holistic approach to enhancing fertility treatments. By improving egg quality, reducing stress, managing side effects, and promoting overall well-being, acupuncture can make your fertility journey more comfortable.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we understand that every fertility journey is unique. Remember, while the path to parenthood can be challenging, you don't have to navigate it alone. Our experienced practitioners are here to support you every step of the way. Contact Integrative Healing Arts today to learn more about how acupuncture can enhance your fertility treatment and support your journey to motherhood.