Frozen Embryo Transfer Acupuncture Protocol

For many couples and individuals on their fertility journey, frozen embryo transfer (FET) represents the final process of their assisted reproduction and a time to keep hope and positivity alive.

FET is now more common because it allows for the testing of embryos and freezing, before transfer, offering flexibility in timing and potentially multiple chances at pregnancy from a single egg retrieval cycle. While medical science continues to refine these processes, adding traditional practices like acupuncture to complement and enhance FET success is now often recommended by fertility and medical clinics. 

What is FET?

While it used to be common to transfer a “fresh” embryo as part of IVF, now most clinics recommend FET so they can screen for genetic abnormalities prior to transfer. Genetic testing takes several weeks and during that time the embryos are placed in a cryostat,  and the woman's body has time to recover from the IVF procedure and prepare for future transfer  

During an IVF cycle, embryos that are not immediately transferred are cryopreserved for future use. When the time comes for transfer, these embryos are carefully thawed and transferred to the uterus. This process allows for better timing with the woman's natural cycle or a medically prepared cycle, potentially increasing the chances of successful implantation.

The role of acupuncture in FET

At Integrative Healing Arts, we have successfully helped many women integrate acupuncture into their fertility treatment plans. When it comes to frozen embryo transfer, acupuncture can offer several benefits:

Improved uterine flood Flow

Studies suggest acupuncture during FET can enhance blood circulation to the uterus. This increased blood flow can help create a more welcoming environment for the embryo, potentially improving the chances of successful implantation.

Stress reduction

Our caring team understands that your fertility journey can be emotionally taxing, and stress can negatively impact treatment outcomes. Studies have shown that acupuncture reduces stress levels, promotes relaxation, and improves heart rate variability, which may enhance the overall success rate of your fertility treatments.

Hormonal balance

Hormone regulation and balance are essential when preparing your body for FET and supporting early pregnancy. In a study, acupuncture increased female hormones, helping regulate them around the body.

Reduced side effects

For those undergoing hormone treatments to prepare for FET, acupuncture can help manage side effects such as bloating, headaches, and mood swings.

FET acupuncture protocol

Acupuncture treatments for frozen embryo transfer help support the body before, during, and after the procedure. Below is a general overview of what you may expect on your journey, however, we understand that every woman’s journey is unique, so protocols may vary slightly. 

Pre-transfer treatments

It is recommended to start weekly acupuncture sessions about 6-8 weeks before the scheduled transfer. As the transfer date approaches, we may increase the number of acupuncture sessions to twice a week.

These treatments focus on:

  • Regulating the menstrual cycle (if doing a natural cycle FET) 

  • Improving blood flow to the uterus and ovaries 

  • Balancing hormones 

  • Reducing stress and promoting relaxation 

  • Addressing any specific health concerns or symptoms

Day of transfer treatments

On the day of the embryo transfer, many protocols recommend two acupuncture sessions - one before and one after the procedure.

Pre-transfer session

This treatment, typically done within 24 hours before the embryo transfer, aims to relax your body, increase blood flow to the uterus, and create an optimal environment for implantation.

Specific points used may include:

  • Zigong (Extra point): Located on the lower abdomen, this point is believed to benefit the uterus. 

  • Sanyinjiao (SP6): On the inner leg, this point is crucial for gynecological issues. 

  • Taichong (LV3): On the foot, this point helps regulate Liver Qi and blood. 

  • Baihui (GV20): On the top of the head, this point helps calm the mind and reduce stress.

Post-transfer session

This treatment is usually done immediately after the embryo transfer or within 24 hours. It focuses on supporting implantation and reducing any stress or anxiety.

Points may include:

  • Guanyuan (REN4): On the lower abdomen, this point nourishes the uterus. 

  • Zusanli (ST36): On the leg, this point is known for its ability to strengthen the body and support overall health. 

  • Neiguan (PC6): On the inner forearm, this point helps reduce anxiety and nausea.

Post-transfer treatments

Following the embryo transfer, weekly acupuncture sessions are typically recommended for at least 4-6 weeks.

These treatments focus on:

  • Supporting implantation 

  • Maintaining hormonal balance 

  • Managing any early pregnancy symptoms 

  • Continuing stress reduction

If you become pregnant, many women find comfort in continuing acupuncture throughout their first and second trimesters, or even the entire pregnancy. These treatments can be a nurturing way to support both your well-being and your baby's health.

Customizing your protocol

It's important to note that while this represents a general protocol, the best approach is always a personalized one. At Integrative Healing Arts, we take the time to understand each patient's unique situation, including their medical history, the specifics of their FET cycle, and any particular health concerns or goals.

Your acupuncturist may incorporate additional TCM therapies into your protocol, such as:

  • Herbal Medicine: Carefully selected herbal formulas may be recommended to support your treatment. However, it's crucial to consult with both your acupuncturist and fertility specialist before taking any herbs, as some may interfere with fertility medications.

  • Moxibustion: This heat therapy involves burning mugwort near specific acupuncture points and is believed to enhance the effects of acupuncture.

  • Dietary recommendations: Your practitioner may suggest dietary changes based on TCM principles to support your overall health and fertility.

  • Lifestyle advice: Recommendations for stress management, exercise, and sleep hygiene may be provided to complement your acupuncture treatments.

Maximizing the benefits of your acupuncture protocol

Firstly, remember that consistency is key! Try to maintain a regular treatment schedule as recommended by your practitioner.

If you have any changes to your health or medication during your fertility journey, let our acupuncture practitioners and your fertility specialist know. This ensures a coordinated and personalized approach to your care.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we are more than an acupuncture clinic. We offer holistic approaches for women (and men) on their fertility journey. Our team may recommend complementing your acupuncture treatments with other stress-reduction methods like meditation, gentle yoga, or deep breathing exercises. Our practitioners may also provide dietary and lifestyle advice to enhance the overall effects of your treatment. 

Book with us today

At Integrative Healing Arts, we understand that every fertility journey is unique. Our experienced practitioners are dedicated to providing personalized care that aligns with your specific needs and treatment plan.

Remember, while the path to parenthood can be challenging, you don't have to navigate it alone, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Contact us today to book your first appointment and learn how acupuncture can enhance your fertility treatment and support your growing family.