Does Fertility Acupuncture Work?


There’s a lot of skepticism surrounding acupuncture as a fertility support measure. How could sticking a few needles in your body possibly make it easier to conceive? But acupuncture is more than just the placement of a few needles. It’s a holistic approach that identifies imbalances in your body and works to address them. Acupuncture has been used for centuries to help women overcome underlying issues and enhance their fertility naturally so they can finally get pregnant. But how does fertility acupuncture work?

Fertility acupuncture can be extremely effective because it works on several different levels to enhance your fertility naturally. Acupuncture helps balance hormones, reduce stress, and improve egg quality, all of which make conception that much easier. 

How does acupuncture support fertility?

Acupuncture is pretty simple when you get down to it. All it takes is a few carefully placed needles. But what those needles do while they’re in place is truly amazing. As each tiny needle is inserted, it triggers the body’s nervous system to boost circulation, conquer widespread inflammation, and reduce stress levels. 

Stress is a major impediment for most couples who are trying to conceive. High levels of cortisol make getting pregnant on your own difficult. And the longer you go without conceiving, the more stressed you feel, perpetuating this vicious cycle. Acupuncture can help you keep your stress levels under control. This benefit alone is enough to help many women conceive after years of trying unsuccessfully. 

But, on top of this advantage, acupuncture also helps normalize sex hormones and regulate the menstrual cycle. For women struggling with issues like PCOS, this can be a godsend. Acupuncture supports ovarian function to promote healthy cycles, and it actually enhances egg quality, both of which go a long way toward improving your fertility. 

Overall, acupuncture is an excellent supportive measure for women who are struggling to get pregnant. Fertility acupuncture works for men, too. Acupuncture has been shown to increase sperm quality, which can also make conception much easier. 

Can you use fertility acupuncture with IVF and IUI treatments?

Acupuncture has a modulating effect on the body, stimulating underactive systems and soothing overactive ones. It’s adaptogenic in nature and simply supports your body’s ability to heal itself. Overall, fertility acupuncture is highly effective, and because it’s also gentle, it can play a valuable role in your IVF and IUI treatments.

If you and your partner have decided to undergo assisted conception treatments, you know what a major commitment it can be, both emotionally and financially. You want to make sure you get everything right the first time. Acupuncture can act as a safety net for your investment. 

Regular acupuncture sessions prior to IVF and IUI treatments prime the body, making it more receptive to them. A well-timed acupuncture session shortly after IVF or IUI transfer can help you seal the deal, and increase your chances of conceiving. 

We always recommend acupuncture to our clients who are trying to conceive with the help of IVF and IUI treatments. Acupuncture has been proven to increase the success rates of assisted conception. And, if nothing else, it can help you keep your stress and your hormones in check as you make your way on your fertility journey.

When should you start fertility acupuncture?

It’s really never too early, or too late, to start acupuncture treatments for fertility. But if you intend to get pregnant in the not-too-distant future, we recommend starting fertility treatments 6 to 12 months prior to conception — and that’s whether you intend to get pregnant on your own, or with the help of IVF or IUI treatments. 

Regular acupuncture sessions in the weeks and months prior to conception help prepare your body for carrying a baby. As we mentioned earlier, acupuncture enhances egg quality and ovarian function. But it also strengthens the uterus and promotes proper muscle function in the pelvic floor. It’s important to keep these muscles toned since they help support the weight of a growing child as you progress through your pregnancy. 

It’s worth noting, too, that acupuncture can be used to support fertility even after you get pregnant. Acupuncture helps moms-to-be cope with some of the more unpleasant side effects of pregnancy, including morning sickness, ankle swelling, and back pain. 

Acupuncture can even help your baby stay in the proper position. In several studies, acupuncture was found to effectively resituate breech-presenting babies, correcting their positions before labor. Talk about impressive!

Other holistic therapies support fertility, too!

Acupuncture’s supportive nature makes it an excellent choice for a variety of conditions, whether you’re trying to enhance your fertility, fight endometriosis, reduce migraine episodes, or alleviate sciatica pain. It’s our first choice of treatment for a number of health issues.

But when it comes to supporting your fertility, we rely on a variety of therapies to maximize your chances of getting pregnant. Chinese herbal medicine has proven time and time again to be tremendously helpful. The right herbs can help you and your partner conceive naturally and can boost the effects of regular acupuncture sessions (certain superfoods can be useful, too!).

Massage therapy is also beneficial, and it can be used in tandem with fertility acupuncture to support you on your pregnancy journey. Routine massages can help you kick stress to the curb, and make all the difference in your fertility.

Utilizing several different types of holistic therapies allows us to support your fertility from multiple fronts. We’ll help you determine which therapies will work best for your situation. It’s not uncommon for your needs to change as time goes on, so we may make adjustments to your customized program as necessary. 

Contact Integrative Healing Arts today

The path to conception is different for every couple. For some, men and women, acupuncture alone is enough to support fertility. Others may find that they need a little more help, and that’s perfectly okay.

At Integrative Healing Arts, we have years of experience helping couples regain their health, restore their fertility, and finally conceive the child of their dreams. We’re here to help you, too! 
Get in touch with our clinic today to book your first appointment. We are committed to working with each of our clients to help them come up with fertility solutions that work for them. Get started with fertility acupuncture today. We’ll be right there to assist you during every step of your journey!